Question: My Pityriasis Rosea is getting worse, should be leaving – is this normal?
Hello tomorrow will make a week with me having PR. Murray doctor said it should start leaving after 10 days, but it’s getting worse and now it’s itching. Is this normal? Thank you.
Veesha Pinkienes: Loislly about 6 to 12 weeks, not days. Manualrry to give you the bad news. The good news is that it does go away by itself, if you can wait that long. There are no prescription medications for it. Most doctors try to give you cortisone creams (steroids) that do absolutely nothing.
Berniez Zam: I went to the the dermatologist for a second opinion and she gave me a topical cream also. The rash looks lighter but now I’m worried about what’s going to happen when I stop using it.
Hyacintheyana Jeromyrtin: Catrinandrane lasted for like 6 months, I tried everything the doctors said and none of it worked until I bought Prreze and then it started to clear up within days.. I suggest not waiting till it gets to that point as I now have scars all over my body.
Cyrissa Nicky: I have had mine for almost 2 months now